Social Media
Close your eyes and try imagining a world without social media websites. Pretty tough to imagine, right? Ever wonder what’s so unique about social media? Why have these platforms become such an integral part of our lives? This is an important question because knowing...
Social Media
What’s every social marketer’s worst nightmare? To create a detailed and comprehensive social marketing strategy only for it to be a complete and total disaster? This may be true for most but failing to plan for success can also lead to a nightmarish situation for...
Social Media
Social media platforms can proudly claim the status of the biggest disruptive innovation to impact the world of marketing, branding, and advertising in recent times. However, not all aspects of such disruption have been positive or beneficial for marketers as well as...
Social Media
Now is as good a time as any to brainstorm ideas to spice up your social marketing strategies for the new decade. The fundamental rules of social marketing, or any kind of marketing for that matter, have always remained constant. Yet, you need to protect your brand...
Social Media
Successful social marketing is a game of numbers as well as quality, which means you cannot sit back and relax just because your post, update, or social media share receives a large number of Insta likes or FB likes or Twitter followers. A very important question you...
Social Media
The whole debate surrounding whether you should or should not buy FB follows or buy Instagram likes is rather silly. There is no magical solution that will make your brand a social sensation overnight. Smart social marketing is all about using all the arrows in your...
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