Social Media
Everybody wants more likes, followers, views, shares, and saves on social media. To be popular is a primal instinct and there’s nothing wrong in wanting universal popularity. However, there are some very important points that you must keep in mind when planning and...
Social Media
How often should you post fresh content your social marketing pages? To find the answer, one must ask another important question – how quickly does your content age on social media? Evergreen content is a quaint concept but it’s time to own up to the fact that...
Social Media
One industry news piece focusing on the news that Instagram may start to hide the likes count on posts. Instagram is hiding the number of likes on posts in several countries, including Australia and Japan, in order to “remove pressure” on users. It’s...
Social Media
The trick to a successful social marketing strategy is to avoid extremes. You cannot buy your way to viral popularity through ‘buy Instagram likes’ and ‘buy SoundCloud plays’. In fact, any professional service provider offering paid likes/followers/plays will admit as...
Social Media
Just as Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time is probably the world’s most-bought but least-read book, that the brand’s social presence must reflect its voice and tone is a widely-accepted but rarely-followed truism. Proof? Do you, when considering a Instagram...
Social Media
You may be very serious about your YouTube profile and buying likes may just be one of the many arrows in your social marketing quiver. However, there may be many users hell bent on flooding the system with paid likes from spam account. The Thing with Algos So,...
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