Buy 100 Twitter Poll Votes


Buy Twitter poll votes at the lowest possible price with a starter pack of 100 poll votes.

IMPORTANT! – Orders for polls that finish in less than 1 hour may not be delivered in time.


Buy Twitter Poll Votes To Raise Your Twitter Profile To The Next Level

Move beyond followers and RTs on Twitter and buy Twitter poll votes to take user engagement to the next level.

Nothing can be more frustrating or embarrassing than having a Twitter poll with single digit vote responses. To make matters worse, a low turnout will probably deter other Tweeple from participating in your poll even if they were interested in the first place.

Our starter pack allows you to buy just 100 poll votes to help you assess the benefits and advantages of conducting polls on your Twitter account. Also, you can buy Twitter poll votes to make a sagging poll seem active and happening all over again.

All you need to do is enter the Twitter poll URL and buy Twitter poll votes for the Yes/No votes to be added to your account in an instant. Just spice up all your Twitter accounts by giving your social followers something more interesting than routine tweets, images, and memes.

Essential Information

To determine which poll you would like the poll votes for, enter the tweet poll URL and the answer number.

Please note – Twitter Poll Votes cannot be spread over multiple poll questions.


Can my order be split across multiple answers?
Unfortunately, no. You can only select one answer when placing the order.

Can you deliver less than 100 votes?
No. The minimum that can be delivered is 100 votes

Can you help me to make sure my preferred answer is the winner?
We take an impartial view of all polls and cannot help you to win a poll as this would be unfair to other voters.

Can you tell me how many votes other answers have got?
We don’t have access to other answer counts.

Can the poll votes be drip-fed?
Drip feed is not possible. The votes will be delivered in a single drop.

When will my order be delivered?
Poll votes are normally delivered within 30 minutes, however, if a poll is very popular with multiple orders it may take a little longer.
NOTE: Orders are processed between 7.00am to 10.00pm GMT. Orders placed outside of these times will be delayed.

Can other voters see who has voted on a poll?
No. Twitter polls are completely anonymous.

Can votes be removed from a poll?
No. The votes cannot be removed.

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